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How to support
the Lovely Haze of Baby Days

Help me spread the word about my book! Together, we can combine our voices + energy to really get people's attention. I need to get this motherhood inspired book into as many people's hands as possible!


There are 3 time points I could really use support:

  • Launch Day,  September 15th, 2020:
    Sharing information + link to campaign about my campaign on your social media accounts

  • 10 Days into my campaign: Sept. 25th:
    Sharing updates on campaign status, rewards, & new goals (if relevant)
  • Only 2 Days Left!  - Oct. 6th
    Last push, share campaign again and status. 


If you sign up for my launch team, I'll email you text you can copy & paste (on the day) to make it easy.
Thank you so much for your support!

©2021 by Lindsay K. Madsen

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